Author: Arun Vishnu

Linux != Windows 5

Linux != Windows

!= “Hi! I’ve been using Linux for a few days, and it’s mostly great. But, it’s a shame that [something or other] doesn’t work like it does on Windows. Why don’t all the developers...



1. We are always late, we would have missed all 4 flights. 2. Pretty girls on the plane would distract us. 3. We would talk loudly and bring attention to ourselves. 4. With food...

Happy Christmas 1

Happy Christmas

Hi Friends, Wish You A Merry Christmas (click here2view your greetings)

Code Guru Of The Month 1

Code Guru Of The Month

I am selected as the Code Guru Of The Month(December) in the Techno First Magazine. Checkout the C- Challenge section in the December issue of Techno First.

Chakkulathu Kavil Pongala 0

Chakkulathu Kavil Pongala

Visit my malayalam blog to read about Chakkulathu Kavil Pongala. I uploaded some photos also.

My Desktop 2

My Desktop

Hi, Checkout my Linux and windows Desktops. My Ubuntu My XP

Greate University 2

Greate University

I was wondering, why our MG University is not postponing our exam. Because they will change exam at least two times. But no wonder; now they changed the time table. Firstly the exam was...

3 Days Remaining 5

3 Days Remaining

OHh my god!!!!!!!!!. Only 3days remaining for my 5th semester exam. My exam will be start on 1st December and last exam is on Dec 22nd. First exam is Engineering Mathematics. Then Operating System...

Sardar Jokes-1 1

Sardar Jokes-1

>>A sardar invested 2 Lakhs in a business and Suffered huge Loss. Do u know what the business was? . . He opened a Saloon in Punjab..!! A Teacher lecturing on population – In...