Tagged: source code

C++ Program to implement a Queue using array 3

C++ Program to implement a Queue using array

C++ Program to implement a Queue using array. /************************************************************** Author: Arun Vishnu M V Web: www.arunmvishnu.com Description: C++ Program to implement a Queue using array. ***************************************************************/ #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<process.h>   # define MAX_SIZE 150...

C++ Program to Add and subtract two polynomials 0

C++ Program to Add and subtract two polynomials

C++ Program to Add and subtract two polynomials. /************************************************************** Author: Arun Vishnu M V Web: www.arunmvishnu.com Description: C++ Program to Add and subtract two polynomials. ***************************************************************/ #include<conio.h> #include<ostream.h> #include<process.h> // Creating a NODE Structure...

C++ Program to Multiply two polynomials using linked list 7

C++ Program to Multiply two polynomials using linked list

C++ Program to Multiply two polynomials using linked list. /************************************************************** Author: Arun Vishnu M V Web: www.arunmvishnu.com Description: C++ Program to Multiply two polynomials using linked list. ***************************************************************/ #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<process.h> // Creating a...

Students list and sort them in C++ 0

Students list and sort them in C++

C++ Program to make a students list and sort them according to there names, Sort using Merge Sort. /************************************************************** Author: Arun Vishnu M V Web: www.arunmvishnu.com Description: C++ Program to make a students list...

Merge two ordered linked list 0

Merge two ordered linked list

Merge two ordered linked list to form a 3rd sorted list using C++ /************************************************************** Author: Arun Vishnu M V Web: www.arunmvishnu.com Description: Merge two oredered linked list to form a 3rd sorted list using...

C++ Program for MERGE SORT 1

C++ Program for MERGE SORT

C++ Program for MERGE SORT /************************************************************** Author: Arun Vishnu M V Web: www.arunmvishnu.com Description: C++ Program for MERGE SORT . ***************************************************************/ #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> void m_sort(int numbers[], int temp[], int left, int right); void merge(int...

C++ Program for Linear search 5

C++ Program for Linear search

C++ Program for Linear search /************************************************************** Author: Arun Vishnu M V Web: www.arunmvishnu.com Description: C++ Program for Linear search. ***************************************************************/ #include; #include; void main() { int array[100],n,found=0,i,find; clrscr(); cout>n; cout

C++ Program for Insertion sort 0

C++ Program for Insertion sort

C++ Program for Insertion sort /************************************************************** Author: Arun Vishnu M V Web: www.arunmvishnu.com Description: C++ Program for Insertion sort. ***************************************************************/ #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> int main() { int array[100],n,i,j,key; clrscr(); cout>n; cout

C++ Program to create a graph and use Depth First Search(DFS) 11

C++ Program to create a graph and use Depth First Search(DFS)

C++ Program to create a graph and use Depth First Search(DFS). /************************************************************** Author: Arun Vishnu M V Web: www.arunmvishnu.com Description: C++ Program to create a graph and use Deapth First Search(DFS) and Breadth First...

C++ Program to evaluate a postfix expression 0

C++ Program to evaluate a postfix expression

C++ Program to evaluate a postfix expression. /************************************************************** Author: Arun Vishnu M V Web: www.arunmvishnu.com Description: C++ Program to evaluate a postfix expression. ***************************************************************/ #include; // For isdigit() #include; // For clrscr() #include; //...