Category: Miscellaneous

Weekly Digest for June 24th 0

Weekly Digest for June 24th

Exploring the software behind Facebook, the world’s largest site : [arunmvishnu] 26% of iPhones Break Within 2 Years : [arunmvishnu]

Weekly Digest for June 17th 0

Weekly Digest for June 17th

New on orkut: Conversations and Private scraps! [arunmvishnu] What it’s like to own an Apple product : [arunmvishnu]

Weekly Digest for June 10th 0

Weekly Digest for June 10th

Its only 1.17 AM. Wow.. Im leaving office early today 🙂 [arunmvishnu] 3.45AM.. still @ office on Air 🙁 [arunmvishnu] PHP’s modulo operator(%) can only return an integer. Use fmod(float $x ,float $y) to...

Weekly Digest for June 3rd 0

Weekly Digest for June 3rd

iPhone vulnerability leaves your data wide open, even when using a PIN : [arunmvishnu] Why you Should be using PHP’s PDO for Database Access : [arunmvishnu] 15 Features Of VLC Player That...

Weekly Digest for May 27th 0

Weekly Digest for May 27th

On AIr.. I mean Adobe Air 😉 [arunmvishnu] RT @evuraan: ubuntu 10.04 LTS ships with ml-mozhi – two files i created a while back. a small feat, but makes me so happy http://bit.l …...

Weekly Digest for May 20th 0

Weekly Digest for May 20th

Shared 21 Free Video Players For Your Website and Blogs | Tools | instantShift. Learning Adobe Air for my new project… [arunmvishnu] @anoopan 🙂 yeaa.. eyy.. I have shared Veli album on sunday night...

Weekly Digest for May 13th 0

Weekly Digest for May 13th

Huawei Technologies bans Indians in India. (via @jijoy @anoopan) [arunmvishnu] Write a simple Google Chrome extension : [arunmvishnu] Five hidden dangers of Facebook (Q&A) : [arunmvishnu] Google Android Outsells Apple iPhone...

Weekly Digest for May 6th 0

Weekly Digest for May 6th

#Ubuntu 10.04 LTS released. Netbook & Server editions are also available. [arunmvishnu] Ohh my eye got sme probs..Can’t spend too much time n my comp.. want to c a doctor today 🙁 [arunmvishnu]...

Weekly Digest for April 29th 0

Weekly Digest for April 29th

Google’s feed reader started to support the video and audio tags from feeds [arunmvishnu] Opera Mobile Emulator For Desktop : [arunmvishnu] Sony delivers floppy disk’s last rites : [arunmvishnu] Wanna Peek at...

Weekly Digest for April 22nd 0

Weekly Digest for April 22nd

@remesh Other mobile versions are available. Check this : in ur mobile browser [arunmvishnu] Microsoft Office 2010 Ready for Release : [arunmvishnu] Drag and Drop Gmail Attachments : [arunmvishnu] HTML5 presentation...