Weekly Digest for November 1st
iPhone bug discovered, bypass any lock screen : http://goo.gl/jzNO [arunmvishnu] |
To Unlock iPhone security lock: Hit emergency call > Enter three pound signs > Hit the green call button & immediately press the lock button [arunmvishnu] |
Updated to iOS 4.1 & now want to jailbreak it.But have to wait to reach home to connect to my WiFi network. [arunmvishnu] |
Microsoft is a dying consumer brand : http://goo.gl/pasm [arunmvishnu] |
Looks Behind The Scenes Of Coders – Analysis of a Production Bug http://twitpic.com/31cjrw [arunmvishnu] |
Coder’s Great Moments http://twitpic.com/31lalj [arunmvishnu] |
Attention Google Apps administrators: you can now remotely manage Android devices for your business! http://bit.ly/dinon1 [arunmvishnu] |
Tried limera1n to jailbreak my iTouch 3G.. but failed 🙁 [arunmvishnu] |
Easily backup your files with Microsoft SyncToy : http://goo.gl/i7Nz [arunmvishnu] |
Shared Android UI Patterns. |
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