Tagged: Programming

C++ Program to evaluate a postfix expression 0

C++ Program to evaluate a postfix expression

C++ Program to evaluate a postfix expression. /************************************************************** Author: Arun Vishnu M V Web: www.arunmvishnu.com Description: C++ Program to evaluate a postfix expression. ***************************************************************/ #include; // For isdigit() #include; // For clrscr() #include; //...

C++ Program to implement a doubly linked list. 1

C++ Program to implement a doubly linked list.

C++ Program to implement a doubly linked list. /************************************************************** Author: Arun Vishnu M V Web: www.arunmvishnu.com Description: C++ Program to implement a doubly linked list. ***************************************************************/ #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<process.h> // Creating a NODE Structure...

C++ Program to perform the array operations 0

C++ Program to perform the array operations

C++ Program to perform the following array operations. Insertion Deletion Traversing Merge two arrays /************************************************************** Author: Arun Vishnu M V Web: www.arunmvishnu.com Description: Program to perform the following array operations. a) Insertion b) Deletion...

File extension validation Javascript 3

File extension validation Javascript

You can use this function to validate the extension of a file, for client side file upload checkes. // You can specify the file type in the code “valid_extensions = /(.doc|.pdf)$/i;” . //If you...

What is Struts? 0

What is Struts?

What is Struts? Struts is a free open-source framework for creating Java web applications. Web applications differ from conventional websites in that web applications can create a dynamic response. Many websites deliver only static...

Javascript for validating a date 0

Javascript for validating a date

Javascript for validating a date. Pass month, day, year as parameters. This function will return true if the date is valid. // Author: arunmvishnu.com function validDate(month, day, year){ if(month ==’0′ || day ==’0′ ||...